Results for 'Melikov Ulug'bek Shavkatovich'

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  1.  83
    Afterlife beliefs: category specificity and sensitivity to biological priming.Judith Bek & Suzanne Lock - 2011 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 1 (1):5-17.
    Adults have been shown to attribute certain properties more frequently than others to the dead. This category-specific pattern has been interpreted in terms of simulation constraints, whereby it may be harder to imagine the absence of some states than others. Afterlife beliefs have also shown context-sensitivity, suggesting that environmental exposure to different types of information might influence adults? reasoning about post-death states. We sought to clarify category and context effects in adults afterlife reasoning. Participants read a story describing the death (...)
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    Re-reading The Foucault-Deleuze Split In The Context Of Foucault’s Problem Of The Status Of Resistance.Mehmet Çağrı Uluğer - forthcoming - Arete Political Philosophy Journal.
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    More Than Movement: Exploring Motor Simulation, Creativity, and Function in Co-developed Dance for Parkinson’s.Judith Bek, Aline I. Arakaki, Fleur Derbyshire-Fox, Gayathri Ganapathy, Matthew Sullivan & Ellen Poliakoff - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:731264.
    Dance is an enjoyable, non-therapy-focused activity that may provide a range of benefits for people with Parkinson’s. The internal simulation of movement through observation, imitation, and imagery, is intrinsic to dance and may contribute to functional improvements for people with Parkinson’s. This study explored the feasibility and potential benefits of a dance program designed by a collaborative team of dance artists, researchers, physiotherapists, and people living with Parkinson’s. The program incorporated motor simulation through observation, imitation and imagery of movement, supported (...)
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  4. Profits and Morals in Leon Battista Alberti’s I libri della famiglia.Jakob Bek-Thomsen - 2017 - In Mikkel Thorup, Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Christian Christiansen & Jakob Bek-Thomsen (eds.), History of Economic Rationalities: Economic Reasoning as Knowledge and Practice Authority. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Théorie Des comètes et observations inédites en occident musulman.Mohamed Reda Bekli, Ilhem Chadou & Djamil Aissani - 2019 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 29 (1):87-107.
    RésuméDans le présent article, on expose la théorie aristotélicienne des comètes, bien diffusée en Occident musulman par le biais des commentaires d'Ibn Rušd et d'Ibn Bāǧǧa, et abordée trois siècles plus tard dans un manuscrit inédit attribué au fameux mathématicien Ibn Ġāzī al-Miknāsī. Dans ce traité qui ne figure pas dans la liste connue de ses écrits, Ibn Ġāzī traite de l'astrologie des comètes suivant Ptolémée, et insére une critique attribuée à Iḫwān al-Ṣafā’, caractérisée par le rejet de l'idée des (...)
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    The limits of possibility.Kim H. Bek - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (4):514-523.
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    Udvalgte skrifter.Kim Høegh Bek - 2013 - Frederiksberg: Kim Høegh Bek.
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  8. Contemporary Science and Rationalism.I. A. G. Le Bek - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):64-65.
  9. Filosofskiĭ analiz fizicheskikh dannykh o dvizhenii materii.N. I︠U︡ Melikov - 1968 - Baku,: Azerneshr.
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹnoe bytie svobody.I. M. Melikov - 2018 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Kanon-Pli︠u︡s".
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  11. Bi̇li̇m emeği̇ni̇n toplumsallaşmasi.Uluğ Nutku - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.), Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--295.
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    Ecovillage foodscapes: zooming in and out of sustainable food practices.Ciska Ulug, Elen-Maarja Trell & Lummina Horlings - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1041-1059.
    This article uses foodscapes as a lens to explore the potential of ecovillages’ food practices towards enhancing sustainable food systems. Ecovillages are collective projects where members attempt to integrate sustainability principles into daily community life. In these communities, food acts, not only as an element of social life, but also as a venue through which to interact with mainstream food systems and society. Yet, how food practices at ecovillages contribute to sustainable food systems remains vague. This article proposes foodscapes, as (...)
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    Die Vermittlungsleistung der reflektierenden Urteilskraft.Michael Bek - 2001 - Kant Studien 92 (3):296-327.
    Einleitung Kants Philosophie ist streng dualistisch konzipiert. Daß sie in die zwei Hauptteile der theoretischen und der praktischen Philosophie zerfällt, ist der formale Ausdruck einer grundsätzlich zweifältigen Anlage, die sich inhaltlich in einer Mannigfaltigkeit von Dichotomien manifestiert: der von sinnlicher Rezeptivität und intellektueller Spontaneität bzw. Anschauung und Begriff, der von Natur und Vernunft bzw. Erscheinung und Idee, der von theoretischer und praktischer Vernunft, der von Ver-stand und Vernunft, der von Verstand und Einbildungskraft, schließlich der Dichotomie der „Seelenvermögen“ Erkennen und „Wollen“.
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  14. Ḳunṭres Ḥazaḳ ṿe-emats: be-s.d. tsuzamengeḳlibn inyonim un eytses̀ ṿi azoy tsu shṭarḳn zikh un ḳenen bayshṭeyn di nisyones̀ in haynṭign shṿern matsev.Mosheh Dov Beḳ - 1987 - Monsey, N.Y.: M.D. ha-Leṿi Beḳ.
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  15. Kategoria dobra i zła w kulturach słowiańskich.Teresa Dąbek-Wirgowa & Andrzej Z. Makowiecki (eds.) - 1994 - Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Polonistyki.
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    Germano Maifreda, From Oikonomia to Political Economy: Constructing Economic Knowledge from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. vii+304. ISBN 978-1-4094-3301-9. £70.00. [REVIEW]Jakob Bek-Thomsen - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):179-181.
  17. Sefer Boʼu ḥeshbon: meyusad ʻal maʼamar Ḥazal (B. B. 78 a. 2) ʻal ken yomru ha-moshlim Boʼu ḥeshbon, ʻal ken yomru ha-moshlim bi-yetsadam boʼu ṿe-naḥshov ḥeshbono shel ʻolam.Mosheh Dov Beḳ - 2020 - [Monsey, N.Y.]: [Publisher Not Identified].
    Ḥeshbonot -- ʻEtsot maʻásiyot -- Harḥaḳot.
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    The Money Trail: A New Historiography for Networks, Patronage, and Scientific Careers.Casper Andersen, Jakob Bek-Thomsen & Peter C. Kjærgaard - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):310-315.
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    Evolution 2.0. The Unexpected Learning Experience of Making a Digital Archive.Casper Andersen, Jakob Bek-Thomsen, Mathias Clasen, Stine Slot Grumsen, Hans Henrik Hjermitslev & Peter C. Kjærgaard - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (3):657-675.
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    Sakʻartʻvelo: mcvane politikis istoria =.Tamara Pataraia, Nino Bekʻišvili, Davitʻ Kopaliani & Irakli Absanże (eds.) - 2013 - Tʻbilisi: Hainrih Biolis pʻondis Samxretʻ Kavkasiis regionuli biuro.
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  21. Kosík's notion of 'positivism'.Tomáš Hříbek - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart (eds.), Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
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  22.  38
    History of Economic Rationalities: Economic Reasoning as Knowledge and Practice Authority.Mikkel Thorup, Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Christian Christiansen & Jakob Bek-Thomsen (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book concentrates upon how economic rationalities have been embedded into particular historical practices, cultures, and moral systems. Through multiple case-studies, situated in different historical contexts of the modern West, the book shows that the development of economic rationalities takes place in the meeting with other regimes of thought, values, and moral discourses. The book offers new and refreshing insights, ranging from the development of early economic thinking to economic aspects and concepts in the works of classical thinkers such as (...)
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    Ahmed bek Agaoglu About the Need for Reforms in Islamic Education and Culture.Aigun Karimova - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (3):81-94.
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  24. Uluğ bir çınar İmâm Mâturîdî: uluslararası sempozyum tebliğler kitabı, 28-30 Nisan 2014, Eskişehir.Ahmet Kartal (ed.) - 2014 - Eskişehir: Eskişehir Valiliği.
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    Gezgin filozof Uluğ Nutku.Mustafa Günay (ed.) - 2020 - Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
  26.  21
    Fen'fill'h Mertebesinden Bek'bill'h Makamına Mevl'n''da İlahî Aşk.Yakup Poyraz - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):871-871.
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    Po pŭti︠a︡ kŭm edna kosmopolitna sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡: programata na Ulrikh Bek za XXI vek: sbornik s tekstove.Ulrich Beck - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski". Edited by Svetla Marinova Marinova.
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  28. Qazaqstan Respublikasy sai︠a︡si ghylym Akademii︠a︡synyn︠g︡ prezidentī, Qazaqstan zhoghary mektebīnīn︠g︡ en︠g︡bek sīn︠g︡īrgen qaĭratkerī, tarikh ghylymynyn︠g︡ doktory, professor Tīlemīs Tīleughabylūly Mūstafin =.L. V. Godunina - 1998 - Almaty: Izd-vo "Qazaq universitetī". Edited by L. V. Godunina, A. S. Balgimbaev & A. V. Solovʹev.
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    De mythe Van de draak-tiran.Nick Bostrom - manuscript
    Lang, lang geleden werd de planeet getiranniseerd door een gigantische draak. De draak was groter dan de grootste kerk en was bedekt met dikke, zwarte schubben. Zijn rode ogen gloeiden van haat en uit zijn verschrikkelijke bek stroomde onophoudelijk stinkend, geelgroen slijm. Hij eiste van de mens een ijzingwekkend eerbetoon: om zijn enorme honger te stillen, moesten er iedere avond bij het vallen van het duister tienduizend mannen en vrouwen aan de voet van de berg, waar de draak-tiran woonde, afgeleverd (...)
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    Social and Political Events in Turkey and the Position of Azerbaijani Intelligence (1914-1920).Ayten Imanova - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):190-212.
    The proclamation of Turkish Republic on the 29th of October 1923 was an important event within the entire Turkic world. The first democratic Republic in the East was the Republic of Azerbaijan, which proclaimed independence on May 28 1918. On April 1920 Azerbaijan Democratic Republic has fallen as a result of Russian Bolsheviks occupation. Later the formation of a new Turkish Republic in the West has become an embodiment of hope for Turkic world to exist independently. Prior to the forming (...)
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  31. Grænser for demokrati – Den borgerlige renæssance og reaktionen mod livsformsdemokratiet.Jesper Vestermark Køber - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    Artiklen analyser de tre centrale borgerlige meningsdannere Søren Krarups, Bertel Haarders og Henning Fonsmarks forestillingsverden gennem deres ideer om folket og eliten, som kom til udtryk gennem kritik af demokratiet. Mere specifikt angreb den borgerlige demokratikritik forståelsen af demokrati som en livsform med vægt på samtale og dannelse til demokrati og anskuede den senere danmarkshistorie som en konflikt mellem folket og eliten, hvad end den var politisk, offentligt ansat eller kulturlivet. Artiklen fokuserer på et udvalg af deres tekster fra slutningen (...)
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    Fashionable Nihilism: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy (review).Philip Cafaro - 2004 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18 (3):257-260.
    Blurb: Thoreau wrote that we have professors of philosophy but no philosophers. Can't we have both? Why doesn't philosophy hold a more central place in our lives? Why should it? Eloquently opposing the analytic thrust of philosophy in academia, noted pluralist philosopher Bruce Wilshire answers these questions and more in an effort to make philosophy more meaningful to our everyday lives. Writing in an accessible style he resurrects classic yet neglected forms of inquiring and communicating. In a series of personal (...)
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  33. Frigørelsesfilosofi.Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen (eds.) - 2008 - København: Politisk Revy.
    Et uventet og uformodet bidrag og introduktion til en filosofisk forståelse af den nye globaliserede verdensorden, der kommer fra et nyt sted i denne vores globaliserede verden: Mexiko. Ny og ukendt i hvert fald i en dansk sammenhæng – hverken vores stats- eller udenrigsminister har garanteret hørt om Enrique Dussel før. -/- Forfatteren forholder sig eksplicit til en europæisk filosofisk tradition, men udbygger en egensindig forståelse af både filosofi og dens anvendelse i enmoderne verdensorden – netop på baggrund af en (...)
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